
The story …

It was past mid night; he woke up with slight pressure in the bladder, oh need to get out of the bed was always stressful, but he was now quite habitual from many years since his prostate gland enlargement – “Maybe he gets his surgery soon!”, he thought over the same thought he has been thinking over almost every night as he thumped his left palm on the bed side lamp switch. The room lit as if like a sunlight poured in from every direction. He squeezed his eyes half closed as he crawled out of the soft blanket and sat on the bedside, he glanced for his slippers “Oh, there!”, he mumbled as if talking to himself. “Stand! stand! stand! standup man!” he repeated the words in his mind and slowly pushed his curved spine forward as his head rose up and then he turned his head to right as he got the worst shock of life that made him jump in horro. Right about ten feet away, another man sat on a similar bed but looking left into his eyes. He jumped away and made an alarming sound. “Who was he and what is he doing in my bedroom”, his mind shouted inside him, he was now facing the man as he realized he might be looking in the mirror, his mind relaxed a bit, and he looked back into the mirror. What the heck who is this man? Then he felt warmth spreading on his thighs. He had peed himself in bed. But the horror was great, he was still looking as his own image in the mirror as he remembered but he was unable to recognize his ownself. The face in the mirror was a total stranger to him.

This was the first of Alzheimer’s episode for Aldo. Aldo a man who ran several companies, a man known to be on the top of every problem, He was considered a great friend who was always there at all events and helped everyone. This morning, he did not recognize his own reflection in the mirror.

Aldo, had to clean up, wash the sheets as he worriedly did all that was needed and then took a short shower, left the blanket into laundry, he was really angry at himself. What has gotten into me. ” What did I eat last night?” was his question that he was not recalling for almost many minutes. He walked to the living room and sat with a magazine in his hand when suddenly as a flash everything came back to him. He was at a party last night and they served some great Chinese and Italian dishes. recalling almost everything relieved him of the confusion.

Memory is important. Always know yourself!.

… Okay… the story keeps turning as Aldo started seeing his doctors, was diagnosed for Alzheimer’s but still fell into the unknown abyss of not knowing himself or others. The point is that all the bold words written above are the first of the signs of Alzheimer’s and our objective here is not to complete the story – rather not let Alzheimer’s take up the cast and the events and run the story from here. We want to curve the path, give a jerk, make a U-turn – this is our objective and may Allah, The Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Provider of the Worlds – help us all in achieving the objective. Ameen! (Dr. SFA).

Alzheimer’s Stories are slow and long, without any drastic bends, every expert know the story, how it began and how it ends. The good news is that Alzheimer’s always give ample time for the research and trials. Here we offer our services – give us that time. Let our board decide some treatment. What you must know here is that nomenclature does not really mean anything! it is just an outline of the disease that is named. Actual disease is composed of history and past and present symptoms and a fair idea of future symptoms. Symptoms are the language of the immune. homeopaths have learned that language of symptoms and are experts in thinking over what medicine suits whom.

Try to know if you tell the same story to same people almost every time? Whenever telling a story from your past, try asking the others, if you have already told them this story or not? Because normal people won’t remind you that they already listened this story 21 times. Take it seriously! We can help if it’s still in the budding phase.

Our medicines are devoid of any steroids or side effects. these medicines in many cases can be used along with medicines of other medical schools. Homeopathic Potency remedies do not use liver to metabolize. So, there are only two outcomes – either it affects, or it does not. So, we cannot name the medicine, because we are attempting to cure the patient. Homeopathically speaking, it is the patient who is sick with a set of symptoms, and we have a way to subside, reverse or remove those symptoms using that language of symptoms.

We don’t charge much and many times we can take a case and prescribe something that is readily available in local markets, but sometimes we need to do the pharmacy ourselves. It really depends upon the homeopathic physician as to what he thinks is the right way.

The worst case is when a man stops knowing who he is himself?

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