Claustrophobia Vs Panic Attack

Wonderful Homeopathy Cures –

Fear of closed spaces is called Claustrophobia, but clinically we receive many patients of Cleithrophobia, which is more about fear of being trapped or locked. We have also received patients with such phobia but in addition are also afraid of being under water, Thalassophobia.

The fear may have an irrational base but there is no doubt that the fear itself is real. All fear symptoms or some of them are present, like racing heart, irregular breathing and urgency to change the environment, trembling, sweating or panic is experienced. Cognitive changes due to sudden release of adrenalin is activated.

Is it Panic attack or Anxiety?

Anxiety has known triggers; patient usually know what can initiate his/her anxiety and consciously avoids such situations. Claustrophobic individuals are known to take staircase than using elevators, especially if alone. Same is true for Cleithrophobic individuals. The bad news is that such phobias would almost always keep worsening, even after employing commonly understood treatments.

Panic Attack is much stronger, without any known trigger as patient has absolutely no idea what is happening and why is it happening and carries an additional fear of death. Rapid Heart Rate reaching above 150 with or without Hyperventilation. It does look really aggressive. Atrial Fibrillation might be experienced by the individual.

What do we offer?

Our unique treatments are not at all understood by anyone we know. The wonderful cure for Claustrophobia did not come to us through medical books of the centuries – on the contrary, individuals on conventional anti-anxiety medicines, presented themselves to our clinic and volunteered as test cases, we are proud and very thankful to them, because even after a number of failures, few of those individuals did not stop our research that remained active for 4 years. Today, if people with Claustrophobia, Cleithrophobia, Panic Attack, Atrial Fibrillation are so swiftly cured at our clinic, we must acknowledge those men, women and children, who participated in the program over years. The good news is that all of them are cured and when we inquired them again after years, they say, but why should worry now, its curable at your clinic.

Can’t bear closed spaces – our treatments can let you breathe easy.

* Treating Panic Attack:

A time came when we would put a drop on the tongue of the patient, leave the medicine bottle with him and ask his friend to go and lock him. No fear anywhere, and no fear anymore. Just a drop on tongue every 10 minutes, keeps one recovering from Panic attack and slowly, she would become confident as she begins to control the attack himself. Once active, panic attack come is clusters, it will keep coming back and patient is told how to use the drops and also how to do envelop breathing. A girl with panic attack started our medication and to days was so confident that she went to her college, she did not take the drops with her. Incidentally, the attack came while studying in class. College infirmary wanted her to be sent to hospital, but she refused, saying, just give a paper envelope and I will control it. She remained at infirmary for 90 minutes and came out walking.

Another, case of a young girl, heart racing 150 +, hyperventilating. Family had her prescribed by us, but never used the selected remedy, they started giving her few drops every 5 minutes while taking her to hospital. It took 30 minutes to reach the ER, by that time the girl was fine and relaxed. The attending physician specifically asked. How did hyperventilation stop in half an hour? The family remained quiet, shrugging shoulders, because they feared they would lose free medical benefits that were insured in that particular country. They informed us, and we requested, that this was not the right approach, you should have shown them the medicine, it would have only helped more. The girl was discharged after 45 minutes of peaceful monitoring. She began to develop another attack late at night, but by this time she took the drops and dosed off to sleep. Once more on next day. After that a year has passed. No panic attacks and no medications.

* What does a Panic Attack feel like?

A creaking sound that sends my heart racing, even the doorbell at odd hours would make me breathe badly.

You are in dark and keep running for light, but you are not moving an inch.

You know it’s scary, you know it well, but still get scared.

When everyone is around me and … but why can’t anyone help me, why is everyone so relaxed, am I visible to them or not?

* What does Cleithrophobia feel like?

Heart Palpitations in chest with difficulty in breathing, I want to shout but i cannot.

Even if I imagine the door slowly swinging to close, I can control by breath.

I cannot imagine myself being locked alone.

* How do I get rid of Claustrophobia – Cleithrophobia? or Panic Attacks or Atrial Fibrillation Attacks?

A video consultation would be enough to help get rid of anxieties, only if you could reserve an appointment, send us a message in our message box, tell us how to you really feel, maybe you could get a prescription or a medicine from our clinical pharmacy and feel wonderful once again.

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