Hemorrhoids with Rectal Bleeding

Wonderful Homeopathy Cures –

The Man: He was political worker from a mountainous town of Pakistan. Stout, strong and standing erect. A very polite man. He said he is here to see me after someone close insisted him in not losing hope unless he visited me. A non-smoker, an abstainer.

The Case: He was tormented by painful bleeding piles, almost all the time. He had been operated in the past, but the hemorrhoids had grown back. Now it had been almost 8 years with this trouble. He had to use layers of pads to save his clothes during long political meetings.

The Probes: I started by asking general questions, lifestyle, dietary routines – well he had none. No particular lifestyle, no dietary routines. a day he was meeting people living at high altitudes and very next day he was expected to visit a gathering in the plains. Food type changed, weather changed, people changed, languages varied, customs changed. So, every week he would be seeing a change.

At times he would bleed so much that the pot would turn red as he adjusted to slight dizziness felt after the visit.

His heart was strong and regular, a slow solid beating rhythm echoed in his chest.

Mentally, he had been a very persistent in his objectives, often culturing for year, until his time of success becomes visible to everyone.

but as he said, this bleeding piles and the pain after stool, is finally beginning to slow him down. he said his disease is exactly as adamant as he himself. To me such a self-assessment was unique.

The Treatment: I issued him with fine small tablets of Aesculus hippocast-200 and Hamamelis Virgin-200. First to be taken in morning and later at night and asked him to schedule his next visit after 10 days.

The Results: He returned on 10th day of the treatment. First thing he did was he held my hand by both palms. shook it vigorously and said that:-

  • The bleeding stopped very next evening.
  • The pain went away on 5th day.
  • Constipation cleared on 4th day.
  • From last 4 days, he is without any trouble, except: The sometimes he does feel as if a pin pierced in rectum, but that too not frequently. He said that my treatment has changed him back into someone he once was, fresh and confident.

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