Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome

Wonderful Homeopathy Cures –

Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome clearly has two visible pointers…

1- Edema: In the morning, swelling of upper eyelids & cheeks are first of signs when parents note there could something wrong with the child. A hurried look at the feet when ankle bones seem to sink in the edematous feet. The face of the child looks whiter. 

2- Oily Foamy Urine: A sample of urine is sent for routine tests and raised levels of albumin in urine is noted. If the child could urinate in a clear glass jar, one can see an oily pellicle floating on the surface, or oily foamy froth on top. At this moment, urine color could be, extra light with increased quantity or very brown urine. 

Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome has three lab test pointers…

1- Hypoalbuminemia: A sample of blood will show reduced albumin in serum. Now this could be due to number of reasons but is a sign when lot of albumin is escaping in urine, causing albuminuria (proteinuria).

2- Hyperlipidemia: Increased level of fats in blood like higher value of cholesterol and/or triglycerides in blood. 

3- Albuminuria: Urine analysis contains 3+ Albumin (Albumin and Protein are same).

What happens before a Nephrotic Syndrome attack?

It is very common that Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome is preceded by some health conditions… If you know these, you will begin to care and cure right in the beginning, thus controlling and reducing the attack intensity.

1- Blepharitis (inflammation of eyelids).

2- Allergic Cough that seems to arise from middle of the chest.

3- Baby Teething ages: It’s noted that Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome shows around the ages when child is in teething years. 

4- Excessive Physical Activity: It is known that a day or earlier, child has been actively involved in running and sports.

5- Fermented Food Intake: If a child with Nephrotic Syndrome, eats some pizza at night, in the morning we would see a lot more edema.

How It Looks…

First Sign: Any keen observer sees that upper eyelid of the child just above the eyelashes, very slight shine is noted, at this moment if urine is checked by a reputed laboratory, may show protein in urine in Trace or at 1+

Shine and slight swelling just above upper eyelashes

How it looks…

Second Sign: Once swelling is seen under the brow, Urinalysis may indicate 1+ to 2+ protein in urine.

Facial Swelling with increased edema around eyes… Lab tests results may result in 3+ or even 4+ protein in urine, with liver markers out and blood in urine, indicating severe grade and needs urgent medical attention.

Whole Body Generalized Edema: Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome is actually generalized, its only that its visible more at some places. Ascites is common Issue for uncontrolled Nephritis.

Dietary Support: In our experience, diet control has a very positive effect in keeping the disease within easier clinical management. Must Avoid following foods: Cheese, Peanuts, Reheated Cooked Rice and some food preservatives during the treatment.

RICE: only freshly cooked rice may be given to the child. Cooked rice if kept in refrigerator for few hours and then reheated has already picked a kind of fungus that is unique and may increase swellings.

Peanuts: peanuts exposed to damp may have a fungus that increases allergic diathesis of the patient.

Cheese; It has been clinically noted that a child with nephrotic syndrome if takes cheese at dinner she would swell up a lot more by the morning.  

Preservatives: Packed and Canned food may be avoided while the child is suffering from Proteinuria. Add a latest Item into the list. Commercially made ice-cream. So, if want to give ice-cream to a child with Nephrotic Syndrome, consider making it fresh at home without emulsifiers.

When the world is failing to cure this disease, how can Wonderful Cure declare that its curable?

Yes, what’s told to us years back might not be valid anymore. but as it is said, A seeker would find irrespective of the speed he searches with. Physicians of Wonderful Cures focused on what precedes this condition and strived to cure it, more like changing the path before one reaches the broken bridge. This new and latest approach helped the growing child.

How Wonderful Cure would heal this condition?

Physicians of primarily addresses the Allergic Diathesis of the child and use homeopathic remedies along with some dietary changes that help the hypersensitive immune to adjust in few days. our physicians do not use temporary measures of diuretics in any form. Our primary objective of treatment is to heal sensitive kidneys from allergies and not on fluid elimination that does nothing to remove the disease but makes the child appear healthy – while he is not. The disease shows itself again. We and families of the child would not want to see the disease again; therefore, our objective of treatment is different from those usually set by other health schools.

What Homeopathic Medicines could be employed during this treatment of Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome?

We might be employing following medicines in the course of treatment. Some of these especially potentized in accordance with homeopathic laws and our experience in dealing Kidneys Functions.

  • Adonis, Apocynum, Apis. Eel Serum, Halonias, Helleborus Niger, Veratrum Album, Solidago, Acetic Acid, Zingiber, Calcium Carbonicum, Phosphorus, Causticum, Oleum Terebinthina.

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Treatment Code: TcrcadntydnbIII0bd, but in case of bronchial rattles Pyfsp+Ebgst III0 SD midday.

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